Friday, November 30, 2007

I've been tagged

Thanks, Trish! I guess this is your subtle (?) hint that I need to get back to blogging. I get it, and I agree.

8 Random Things About Jenn:

1. I can't roll my tongue. I mean, I can't make the rolling "r" sounds in Spanish. And I speak Spanish. Oddly, I can fold my tongue up like a taco. I have a flexible tongue but I can't make it do anything really useful, except, well...never mind.

2. I'm a SNL freak, classic & new! Just about every conversation reminds me of a SNL sketch. Sometimes I share them with people and they look at me like I'm lame. Maybe I am. But damn, it's so funny!

3. I have moved over 10 times in my semi-adult life. I guess I didn't want to be tied down. Now I'm dying to buy a house and settle down, but I'm afraid I'd get the itch to move again.

4. From the time I was 12 up until about 4 years ago (yay!), I've had anorexia. Now I weigh more than I ever have and I sometimes wish I had the discipline to starve myself. I know that's terrible, but it's true.

5. I've never had Novocaine for any of my cavities. It started when I was little, and now I'm so used to the pain I don't need it.

6. I'm a reality-tv junkie! I watch all those horrible shows like Rock of Love, The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model, etc. Most of the time I know how terrible they are, but I watch anyway. I can't help it--they're entertaining.

7. I'm deathly afraid of elevators, tornadoes, and flying. From time to time, I will ride in an elevator or fly in a plane. I have to be heavily sedated on a plane. I usually just have mini-panic attacks in the elevator. I've never been in a bonafide tornado, but when there are warnings I cry uncontrollably until I pass out.

8. I would love to go back to school. Not for anything in particular, I just LOVE being a student. I could do it forever if only I got paid to do it.

That was a lot harder than it looks.

1 comment:

Joy said...

hehe. not-so-subtle.
That's me!
Good list!

I used to be scared of tornadoes, too. I lived in a crappy trailer in high school & was always worried we'd get blown away. Now that i have a house, they don't even phase me.