Saturday, November 17, 2007

Breaking ground...

I have given in to peer-pressure...I created a blog.

To be honest, I've wanted to start one for some time, but never really felt strongly enough to go through with it. Would people really care enough about what I had to say to read it? Probably not. Then I came to the realization that I'm not doing this for anyone else, I'm doing it for myself. I can consider it "therapy." Hey, it's free!

I'm going through a lot of changes in my life at the moment. I married my best friend 11.11.06. A few months later, we moved from Michigan to Kansas City, Missouri for a temporary job. While in KC, we decided to start trying to have a baby ("TTC" to those in the know!). Our temporary project ended in September, our lease expired in October, and now we're living (temporarily) with my parents in St. Louis. So that's where I am in my life.

This blog will chronicle my troubles with TTC, my job search, being a semi-newlywed, and whatever else pops up. It won't always be pretty or cheery, but it will be honest. Let the therapy begin!

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