Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am only 1.5 pounds away from losing 20 pounds. Kind of shocking. Before I started WW, I thought losing 20 pounds was a mountain too high for me to climb. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been EASY. It just hasn't been impossible.

I gave in and bought some new clothes. It felt really good to have things fit and look pretty good on. There has been a remarkable transformation in my appearance...I LOOK thinner. My face, my stomach (except for that darn extra skin from being pregnant), my legs - EVERYTHING is smaller.

So what did I do this week? I slipped. :( We've eaten out 3 nights this week (I still tried to make somewhat healthy choices, mostly). I dipped into my flex points more than I ever have (I guess the positive is that I haven't used them all). And I haven't been to the gym at all this week. I don't anticipate reaching the 20 pound mark this week.

I'm OK with that, for the most part. I just don't want to GAIN weight.

Oh yeah, and we're going to Florida for 2 weeks one week from today. I'm super excited to go (even though it means 2 weeks with my in laws, but that's a whole other post!), but am concerned about sticking to the plan while on vacation. I have no control over what I will be eating down there. I know, I know, that's not totally true...I CAN control what I put in my mouth. What I mean is that my mother in law will control the grocery shopping and the kitchen. She knows I'm on WW, so I'm really hoping she'll take my needs into consideration.

Overall, I am giving myself permission to be human while on vacation. I am even forgiving myself (in advance) for gaining a little while on vacation.

I guess this will really be a big test for me! :)