Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I don't do well with change. I kind of thrive on having a routine. Yeah, having a kid kind of disrupted things, but even we have a routine so it's all good.

Alex started a new job at the beginning of August. It's a temporary thing, similar to what he's been doing, and it's only 6 minutes away from our house. I should be really happy. And I am...well, I'm mostly happy. But this causes things to change.

The biggest change is that we've lost our "daycare" provider, so to speak. Fortunately, my dad is retired and loves spending time with Amelia, so we're not totally up a creek. But I feel bad having him watch Amelia 5 days a week (even though when he "watches" her I'm there the whole time...I change her diaper, fix her bottles and her meals, etc...but that's a whole other vent-able story), so I've made some changes to my work schedule.

I'm still trying to work 40 hours a week, but now I have Mondays and Fridays "off". Off is in quotation marks because I actually work at night when Alex gets home, but I spend the day with Amelia. Tuesday - Thursday we're at my parent's. Even with working 10 hour days Tues - Thurs and working Monday & Friday nights, I still have some hours to work on the weekends.

So basically, I am working ALL.THE.TIME. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that Alex has a job, but I am tired.

Momma needs a vacation!!! :)


Cassie said...

Mama need to start coming to the BAGNO to have some fun!!! =)

Joy said...

:( Sorry, babe.

Jenn said...

Thanks...I REALLY do need to get out! Maybe one of these days. *sigh*