Sunday, February 28, 2010


I did it! I reached my 1st (personal) weight loss goal.

I've lost 13 pounds on WW. I am the lightest I've been in 24+ months. It feels great! My clothes aren't fitting (in a good way), and I can really see a difference in my body. BUT the clothes that fit me when I was at this weight before are still too tight, it's a little frustrating. My body just isn't the same since having a baby. I have this lovely skin pooch on my tummy that is preventing my smaller jeans from zipping and buttoning. *Sigh* So I am between sizes.

The most exciting thing for me is that my wedding/engagement rings are sooooooooooooooo close to fitting on my finger again!!! They fit over the knuckle, but not much further. I have been so upset about not being able to wear them for the past 2 years. I had decided to get them resized, figuring my finger would never be small enough again. Now I have complete faith that I will be wearing my wedding set sometime this year!

My next personal goal is 10 pounds. I know at some point the weight won't come off as "easily" as it has been so far, so I'm in no rush to meet this goal. Slow & steady wins the race!


Joy said...


Cassie said...

WAY TO GO JENN! (ans that is caps for excitment not yelling) =)