Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The holidays are almost over. Where did the time go?

We had a really nice Christmas. My sister, Kim, was in from NYC for 9 days and we got to spend a lot of time together. Actually, it was the most time we've spent together in years. It was awesome. The Saturday before Christmas, we did the Washburn Family Tradition of doing our shopping. It wasn't as busy and hectic as we expected and we all got the shopping done that day. We spent a few days wrapping and decking the halls, so to speak. Not only were we hosting Christmas Eve at my parents house, we were throwing my cousin a family baby shower. Her little boy will be here by January 15th (her scheduled C-section, but she's already contracting so she'll probably have him earlier).
The shower was a success! They got just about everything else (the big stuff) that they needed. Christmas Eve was really fun. I made a Candy Cane martini which was really yummy. Strong, but delicious! After the family left, we had our Christmas and opened presents. There were so many gifts, and everyone pretty much got more than what they wanted. Among my "favorites" are my jewelry armoire, Trivial Pursuit, books, and DVDs. I now have more books than I know what to do with...I will be reading all year!

Since then, we've just been hanging out. My sister and I saw "Enchanted" while Alex saw "I Am Legend" and then we met up with our cousins at the Mills. We had a good time with them. By the way, "Enchanted" was way better than I expected! Kim flew back to NYC on the 29th and we were all sad to see her go.

So now it's New Year's Eve and we're resting up to have energy for tonight. We're planning to go out to dinner, then head to Ozzie's @ Westport to see my friend's band (Colonel Angus), and then home for drinks and games with the folks. Good times!

Alex & I wish everyone a safe and happy 2008!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Oh Jenn... I miss your wisdom! :o(